The pandemic has brought about many challenges and changes for each of us, our families, our parish and the community. We have worked hard to adapt and adjust. Thank God, we have reached a point where we can begin to look forward. Now is a perfect time to gather our energy, share our thoughts and shape how we will move Christ Church forward together. Beginning on June 12, we will offer opportunities to gather again both virtually and in-person for conversation, fun and fellowship. We have scheduled times in parishioners’ homes, on Zoom, and in-person at church, where small groups can engage in conversation, discuss what we have learned and share ideas about the way forward. Please join one of our small group conversations so that together we can share our perspectives. Our conversations will be centered on four focus areas: Worship: In-person, on-line and live-streamed services; activities that support worship services, including Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, Greeters, Altar Guild, Videographers; Daily Evening Prayer and other worship-related ministry. Outreach: Service to those in need in our community, including our support for Haven Ministries, Grasonville Food Pantry, Backpack Meals for Kids, the Soup Group and other outreach ministries. Care and Community: Pastoral care and care for one another; in-house learning activities like EfM, book studies, Bible studies; and providing space for community activities including Scouts, Recovery Groups. Children, Youth, and Families: Christian Formation, Child/Youth-Centered programming, and Family Programs. During these conversations, we will take notes so that all ideas are captured. Ideas will not be attributed to individuals; there will be no judging. After the session, we will email the notes to participants so that you can be sure that they are complete and accurate. You can even add additional ideas that you may not have mentioned during the conversation. Once all our meetings have been completed, we will compile the ideas from all the meetings and provide feedback to the vestry and the entire congregation. |