Our Christ Church family ministry program strives to create a welcoming environment for children of all ages and backgrounds. We aim to create a space where kids can have fun, learn, and engage with our community in Christ at their own pace, surrounded by love and support. With our Wiggle Worship room, Sunday School, monthly Family Dinner nights, Middle and High School Youth Group, and more youth-centered events, we are working towards expanding our community of young people worshiping together. Family Ministry is essential. It creates opportunities for kids to connect with the church and learn the good news of Jesus in a way they can understand and relate to. We celebrate them where they are and give them room to grow.
Children are welcome to attend our services and be as involved as they want. Our services offer the Christ Church kids table, with manipulatives and pencil activities centered around that week’s sermon.
Wiggle Worship Room
Our 10 a.m. service (9:30 a.m. in the summer) also offers the wiggle worship room for kids to come and go as they please to play and interact with each other. Teens can also volunteer to help supervise in the wiggle worship room if they feel called to.
Any questions? Comments? Looking to volunteer? Contact us! familyministry@ccpki.org
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