This year we will have two online services on Christmas Eve. We hope you will join us for one or both.
- The 4 p.m. Family-Friendly Live-Streamed Service
This brief service will be streamed live at 4 p.m. on Christmas Eve. The service will include Christmas Carols, scripture readings, a family-friendly retelling of the Christmas story, and “Silent Night,” led by Father Mark on the guitar. The service will be archived on YouTube for later viewing.
- The 7 p.m. Premiere of our Festival Christmas Eve Service
Our traditional Christmas Eve service will premiere on YouTube at 7 p.m. This service will feature the choir singing Christmas carols and presenting a special anthem, Dave Hasek playing festive organ music, Bishop Bud Shand presiding, and a meditation by Father Mark Delcuze. We encourage you to view the premiere, with your friends and family, at 7 p.m. on Christmas Eve. At that time, the YouTube chat feature will be live so you can greet others and wish them a “Merry Christmas!” If you can’t join us at 7 p.m., the service will also be available any time after that for viewing on YouTube.