Jaimie’s Story
The butterfly garden was established to commemorate loved ones we have lost. It was inspired by the untimely death of Jaimie Jacobs, a member of Christ Church and an environmentalist, conservationist, and outdoor enthusiast. She liked to spend her time with nature: kayaking, biking, gardening, and volunteering at environmental centers and her children’s schools. Jaimie regularly volunteered and taught at Adkins Arboretum, Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center, and many of the local parks. She not only taught children the facts about our environment, but also shared her passion and desire to beautify and protect the environment with everyone she could. As this garden grows, it is a symbol of the continued spread of the love and learning among all the lives she touched.
Why Native Plants?
Native plants support the rest of the local wildlife, from the smallest caterpillar to the swiftest bird. Imported plants can be good sources of nectar, their food, but aren’t good host plants for the caterpillars of many native butterflies. Native plants are adapted to this climate and soils, so need little fertilizer or watering after the first year.
What is a host plant?
The beautiful butterflies come from caterpillars, which feed on certain plants. Some caterpillars can feed on several species, but many need a special one. Monarch butterflies lay their eggs on milkweeds, and their caterpillars need the special compounds in that plant to survive. American lady caterpillars can live on several species of plants, including the turtlehead in the garden.
Why do butterflies need nectar?
Nectar from flowers is the food for many adult butterflies. They need flowers blooming at different seasons to survive and spread. Butterflies that migrate, like the monarch, need flowers along the route and later into the fall.
How can I help butterflies?
- Learn about butterflies and host plants for your area. Good information sources include Butterflies and Moths of North America
- Plant some native plants in your own yard.
- To find plants that might do well with the soil and sun or shade in your yard, try the Chesapeake Bay Native Plant Center http://www.nativeplantcenter.net/
- Buy local. See the Maryland Native Plant Society website for local nurseries and garden centers with native plants.
What’s in the garden?
Nectar plants for adults
Cardinal flower|
Garden phlox
Blue mistflower
Blazing star
Woodland pinkroot (attracts hummingbirds too!)
The garden is an outward sign of our call to steward God’s creation. Everyone is welcome to walk through the garden, appreciate the flowers and butterflies and sit on the benches donated by Joyce Horney. You may also join the volunteers who weed, plant, and mulch as needed to help the garden thrive. Events are generally scheduled along with youth group activities.
For more information, contact the parish office, office@ccpki.org.