Backpack Meals for Kids

35 Bags of Weekend Food for 35 KI Children

The Backpack Weekend Meals for Kids program is an initiative in which churches throughout Queen Anne’s County provide weekend food for children who are most at risk of not having enough to eat when school is not in session.  Every elementary and middle school in the county has a Backpack program.

At Christ Church, we provide 170+ bags of food every week for children at three schools: Bayside Elementary, Kent Island Elementary and Sudlersville Middle School.  Children in need are identified by the schools and are anonymous to us.  Each week these children receive a bag of child-friendly, non-perishable food containing 2 breakfast items, 2 lunches, 2 snacks, 2 drinks and 2 fruit cups.

We meet on Thursday mornings at 8:30 to pack and deliver the food to the schools.  Teachers place the food in each child’s backpack. We love our volunteers, so please join us any time to see what we do and pitch in to help.  We are almost always finished by about 9:15.   During the summer, we work with the Migrant Program and the four Title I school summer programs. 

We rely on the goodwill of caring people like you to sustain this vital ministry and we are deeply grateful for your support.  Cash donations can be made online at or by check made out to Christ Church with “Backpack Program” in the memo. Food donations are a great help, following the guidelines below.  Shopping priority cards are available at the church.  For information or to volunteer, please contact Kathy Sells at 410-490-6042 or