Acts 3 – A Miracle and a Message
Acts 2:43 states that “many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles” but does not detail any one specific miracle. Emphasis is placed on the sharing of goods and possessions, breaking bread together with “glad and generous hearts” and praising God.
Acts 3 opens with the encounter between Peter and John and the lame beggar at the Beautiful Gate of the temple. When asked for alms by the beggar, Peter said first “look at us” and then “I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.” And he does … jumping, walking, leaping and singing Gods praises. Peter’s gift was faith and health. All the witnesses are filled with awe.
Peter preaches to the witnesses (a crowd of about 5,000, Acts 4.4). He reminds them that they rejected “the Holy and Righteous One” and “killed the Author of Life.” But he then immediately calls them Friends and asks them to repent so their sins will be wiped out; to listen to the words of Jesus, and to know that by turning away from wicked ways “in your descendants, all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Peter emphasizes three truths for proclaiming gospel – Exalt the Lord Jesus; confront humans w/their wrongdoing (sins) and the possibility of judgment, and the offer of God’s grace and love to those who repent and believe.
As a lifelong Christian, I have made the leap of faith and truly believe that Jesus and his apostles, through the hand of God and the Holy Spirit, really did perform the miracles documented in the New Testament. And that those miracles brought thousands of non- believers to faith. What will bring people to faith today?
As we ponder the global pandemic and consider all the reasons it may be so wide spreading and deadly, we are also deeply touched by the courage of first responders, all medical professionals and all who must work to bring us food and goods, deliver transport, etc. For me, all those that carry on in big ways and through small random acts of kindness are today’s miracle workers. The technology that will ultimately (hopefully soon) provide healing therapies and vaccines is a modern miracle. With the world slowing down, lessons about saving our planet, consuming less and sharing more are being vividly demonstrated daily. With God’s grace, the love of Jesus, and time for meditation, may many around the globe turn to the Way of Love at this time and stay close to Our Lord when it is over.
And forever sing his praise!
Adele Sadiq, EfM Year 4