The Programs
The Christ Church Connections Ministry is composed of a visitor program, a driving program, and a casserole delivery program.
The Visitor Program arranges visits to parishioners who have a serious illness or are homebound or have recently experienced a significant loss. Visits will be made after receipt of a request from the individual desiring a visit, or at the suggestion of another parishioner or the Rector and confirmation that the parishioner desires a visit.
The Driving Program provides drivers for parishioners who desire rides to medical appointments or church. Connections Drivers will be volunteer parishioners who will drop off and pick up parishioners from medical appointments and church, but will not attend the appointments.
The Casserole Delivery Program provides casseroles for parishioners who have a serious illness, are homebound, or have recently experienced a significant loss. Before preparing a casserole, the intended recipient will be contacted to determine food preferences and any allergies. The casseroles will be delivered by a Connections Visitor or the individual making the casserole.
Request a Visit, Ride or Casserole
To request a visit or a casserole, for yourself or someone else, you may fill out the form here, or complete a paper form available in the church narthex and turn it into the church office.
To request a ride, fill out the form here, or complete a paper form available in the church narthex and turn it into the church office. Parishioners are encouraged to make requests for rides at least 72 hours in advance.
Volunteers: We need volunteer parishioners to drive and prepare casseroles. The Connections Drivers will be asked to provide a copy of their driver’s license and insurance cards to the coordinator who will check driving records. Drivers will also be asked to identify days and times when they are most likely to be available to drive. Upon receipt of a request for a ride, the coordinator will first check with Connections Drivers who indicated they would likely be available and confirm their availability for a particular request.
If you are willing to help or have questions, please email or contact Dottie Wilson (615-478-2366), Susie Reckord (410-493-3452), or Juanita Dombkowski (410) 310-0139.