Parish Annual Meeting
Sunday, January 23, 2022
11:15 am In Person or Online (Click Here)
There will be only one service that day!
The Annual Meeting of the Parish will be held in the Sanctuary immediately following the 10:00 AM Worship service. The Annual Meeting is an opportunity to gather together, enjoy lunch, celebrate the closing of 2021 and share plans for 2022.
We will also elect three new vestry members to serve three-year terms and select three lay delegates to the Diocesan Convention. Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting, and members in good standing will vote for Vestry candidates and delegates to the Annual Diocesan Convention.
Our heartfelt thanks to Caroline Aland, Darleen Bedard and Josh Dorsey who will have completed their terms as Vestry Members.
2022 Vestry Candidates
The three vestry nominees are:
Charlie Mead
I guess I’m a “cradle-Episcopalian.” I was baptized in the Episcopal Church; my mom was on the Altar Guild, my dad was Junior Warden, and I was in the youth group and served as an acolyte. Our church, founded in 1733, was about as Episcopalian as they come – stone cathedral, historic graveyard, incense, priest with a British accent – the whole bit.
So, it was quite comfortable for me to join Christ Church in 2004, right after my wife and I moved to Kent Island. Information on the Parish’s finances were hard to come by then. That was counter to my graduate school business education and 30 years in business management at a Fortune 500 company, so I joined the Vestry to see if I could help. I guess I did, because after my three-year term, they made me Senior Warden. There, with the able assistance of Treasurer Molly Cannon – and the occasional “encouragement” of Bishops Bud Shand and Henry Parsley – I oversaw the transition from our departing priest to the hiring and installation of Father Mark. That has surely been one of the more rewarding experiences of my life. I treasure the relationships that I developed in that time with all four of them as well as with many others in our Parish and community. During my eight-year tenure, we were able to grow the Parish from what the bankers affectionately described as an “unsustainable” operation to a financially stable organization. Since stepping aside, I have continued as Co-Chair of the Stewardship Team.
Becky Myers
Becky is from North Carolina and moved to Kent Island earlier this year to live with family. She was a veterinary technician for 19 years before retiring as medically disabled. In Durham, NC she enjoyed helping her church help others in the community through a variety of outreach programs, as well as beautification of the church campus. She is excited to be a part of Christ Church’s family, serving Kent Island with faith, hope, and love.
Ben Riley
Ben Riley joined Christ Church in May 2021. He is a retired Navy Captain and is also retried from the Senior Executive Service in the Department of Defense. He presently works for Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI), part of Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia. He regularly attends the 10:00 am service and evening prayer. He and his late wife, Susan Riley, have three adult children and nine grandchildren.