Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why are we searching for a priest-in-charge?

After ten years of distinguished service, Fr. Mark Delcuze retired in November 2023 as rector of Christ Church Parish Kent Island (CCPKI). We have now begun the process of finding a successor.

Who will minister to us until we get a rector or priest-in-charge?

CCPKI has an interim pastor, Fr. Frank Crumbaugh, to minister to our needs. Father Frank began serving as interim in November 2023 and CCPKI is fortunate to have such an able and godly person serving as interim rector until our search for a rector or priest-in-charge is completed.

How does one go about searching for a rector or priest-in-charge?

While the search for a rector or priest   may include some of the same administrative tasks as recruitment in business or academia, it is different in the sense that the Search Committee and the candidates will attempt mutual discernment, that is, they will try to understand and heed God’s call. The steps in this process are laid out in question #4 and explained further in the questions that follow.

How long will the transition take?

That is impossible to say. The committee’s first task was to conduct a survey of the parish that the committee is using  to inform them about the type of priest it should seek. This survey was completed in March 2024. The survey data and information gleaned from the parish-wide listening sessions that were held in the fall of 2023, were used to create a Parish Profile. After completing the Parish Profile in May 2024, the committee began its search to identify “no less than two nor more than five candidates.” 

After the committee compiles a slate of candidates, the Vestry will begin deliberations on who, if any, of the candidates that the Search Committee has suggested should become our rector or priest-in-charge. With regard to a timeline for completing the search, the Vestry told the Search Committee to value getting the right priest rather than speed when doing its work.

Is the search process open?

No, the search process is confidential, especially when candidates are being considered.

Why is the search confidential?

The Committee should never discuss whether any priest is or will be a candidate or talk about any aspect of their discussions with any candidate. It would be devastating to a candidate’s relationship with their present church were it known that they entertained any thought of leaving them.

Who is on the Search Committee?

The Search Committee members are Jenifer Leach – Chairperson, Caroline Aland, Dennis Conrad, Juanita Dombkowski, Samantha Hoffman, David Lee, and Jeffrey Pike.  Short biographies of Search Committee members can be found here.

What happens next?

We are now actively accepting applications from candidates.  We are exploring all avenues to identify candidates including the Episcopal Office of Transition for Transition Ministry, the transition minister of the Easton Diocese, and recommendations from parish members and friends of CCPKI.  Theoretically, we can call any ordained Episcopal priest in good standing or any priest in good standing in a Church in full communion with the Episcopal Church, which includes Anglican Churches in communion with the See of Canterbury. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and a few others are in communion with the See of Canterbury. However, in its charge to the Search Committee, the Vestry asked the Committee to ensure that candidates “should be regularly ordained, seminary trained Priests of The Episcopal Church, with special preference shown for persons who have graduated from a seminary of The Episcopal Church.”

Who is available?

In 2022 a survey of clergy in the Episcopal Church found that:

  • 60% were male;
  • 40% were female.
  • 87% were white.
  • 76% were heterosexual; 
  • 16% were gay or lesbian;
  • 54% were solo rectors; 
  • 17% were assistant rectors; 
  • 14% were specialty ministers; 
  • 12% were senior rectors; 
  • 3% were bishops.

A 2015 survey found that:

  • 15.1% were under the age of 45; 
  • 17.5% were between age 45 and 54; 
  • 34.1% were between age 55 and 64; and 
  • 33.2% were age 65 or older.